Archives For February 29, 2012

Well raised red meat helps make you more BadAss. The Harvard Study was bullshit for a number of reasons. Go buy a nice grassfed steak and feel better about yourself and be happy that a bunch of impressionable weaklings are not eating steaks leaving more for yourself and me.

I’m not nearly as smart, respected, or old as all of the people who have ripped apart the recent Harvard “red meat kills you ‘study’ ” It has generated so much buzz that even the harvard crimson is reporting on the debate.

But…I did see the Harvard scientist talk about the study and he stuck to his guns a bit again and so I felt it was needed to compile the large amount of input sticking it to the red meat scare mongers.

Side note, if you clicked the link above you would’ve noticed that the Harvard bro sports a really sweet and thick mustache that even rivals Stu McGill’s….so how is he such a boner?

In no particular order, here are a number of articles that let you know that when it comes to red meat, you should go ahead and EAT ACTUAL, WELL RAISED RED MEAT. It helps to make you more badass.

Start Here:

Red Meat Will Kill You, and Other Assorted Fairy Tales

Red Meat: Part of a Healthy Diet?

Ok, that’s enough…turns out there were even more than I thought.

So, I’m living in Santa Fe for the next 10 weeks-without really knowing anyone except my boss….so all I plan to do is work on our business, MovNat, and sleep lots, eat healthy, and play around outside and workout hard. I also will be biking everywhere I go…at this 7,200′ altitude…so basically I am going to be in pretty decent shape. Here’s what I did today, @dan_go on twitter put up a lil challenge this morning, so I gave it a go. It hurt. I need to do that 1x per week starting now….planning it to be my sunday “thing” (unless my HRV and tap test and subjective feeling of freshness tell me not to)

So it was actually kinda warm today and I took a 1.5 hour movement break to a park near me. I spent about 30 minutes walking between random sets of lunges, burpees, crawling, balancing, pull-ups, squatting in different stances, foam rolling, dynamic stretching, mobility stuff…basically lots of movement in an aerobic fashion…I’m trying to take advantage of training at altitude-and I was sore from my last two days of training.  After about an hour of all that, I suddenly felt really good to move faster and harder…but I was smart and only did 3 rounds of each of the things in the video below. At the end of the video I tell you what I was focusing on for the day.

Couple of fun videos

March 21, 2012 — 10 Comments

In my most recent workshop in Toronto, at Strengthbox, I took the opportunity at the end of our two days of instruction to get a little training in.  This video is a fun little sampling of the things we did…generally we did each item between 2-4 times.  My music selection is top notch.

Here is an older video from January when Brian Tabor and I did the Brett Contreras “sexy challenge”

And finally, here is a challenging clap pull-up variety that is pretty challenging